Program 2024

4th International Colloquium in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture May 31 (Fri) – June 02 (Sun), 2024 The University of Nagano

Venue: The University of Nagano, Miwa Campus, Learning Hall (8-49-7 Miwa, Nagano City. 7mn of walk from Hongo StationNagano Dentetsu Line, 4th station, 7mn. From Nagano station).

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Link to the whole brochure with abstracts

Registration to participate as listener (ONLINE and IN PERSON) 

【Deadline】 28th May 2024.

We will send you Zoom Link by May 29th 2024.

Registration Fee: Free of charge 

Colloquium Program

Time Table

May 31, 2024

Introduction 9:15am-9:30am

Tomokazu Baba (Colloquium Chair)

Friday Panel, Ⅰ 9:30am-11:15am

  • Ionut Untea (Southeast University, Nanjing), “Topological Existential Engagements: Modern Local Identity and Postmodern Performativity”
  • Sikong Zhao (Institute of Philosophy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences), “The Metaphor of Messiah’s Chair from the Perspective of Modernity”
  • Felix S. H. Yeung (University of Essex), “Enlightenment’s ‘Good Mourning’: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of the Dialectic of Enlightenment”
  • Discussion15min, Chair Rossen Roussev

Break 11:15am-11:30am

Art Session【ONLINE】11:30am-12:15pm

Antoine de Mena, “Life is savage”, Chair Tomokazu Baba

Lunch 12:15pm-1:15pm

Friday Panel, Ⅱ 1:15pm-3:00pm

  • 【ONLINE】 Fernando Gerheim (Federal University of Rio De Janeiro), ” Reflections on Art-Research Group Poéticas em Campo Experimental – PAX (Poetics in Experimental Field) in dialogue with Walter Benjamin’s philosophy of language regarding the articulation between Nature, Spirituality, and Culture”
  • Motohiro Kumasaka (Tokushima University), “Creating Little Deities To Be a Prayer to Nature and to Be a Player with Nature”
  • Ryo KIKUCHI (Sophia University), “Can We Love an Extraterrestrial? ‒ A Reflection on Love and Human Nature”
  • Discussion 15min,Chair Nicolaas Buitendag

Break 3:00pm-3:15pm

Art Session【ONLINE】3:15pm-3:45pm

Akiko Nakayama, “Hemispherical Portrait”, Chair Tomokazu Baba

Friday Panel Ⅲ 4:15pm-6:00pm

  • Kunimasa SATO (Ibaraki University), “Doxastic Transformation and Transformative Experiences That Cause Epistemic Conversions”
  • Stavroula Tsirogianni (Chinese University of Hong Kong), “Slowing Down in the Age of Involution: A Case Study of the Black Box Space”
  • Ryan Adams (University of Memphis), “Association Comes Before Assent: Reconsidering Religious Epistemology in Social Terms”
  • Discussion15min, Chair Ve-Yin Tee

June 1st, 2024

Saturday Panel, Ⅰ 9:15am-11:00am

  • Songqi Han (the University of Tokyo),  Haoguang Li (Keio University), “Body as Line of Flight: A Deleuzian Account on Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology”
  • Ve-Yin Tee (Nanzan University), “Home Away from Home: Migrant Culture and Allochthonous Nature”
  • Huang Lu (TOHOKU University), “Speculative Realism, Phenomenology and the Truth in Empirical Science: A Defence of Husserlian Phenomenology against the Critique from Ancestrality in Meillassoux”
  • Discussion15min, , Chair Zhao Sikong

Break 11:00am-11:15am

Art Session【ONLINE】11:15pm-12:00pm

Aly Roshdy Aly Shalby (Helwan university – Cairo – Egypt), “Calm Canvas: A Visual Odyssey of Tranquility”, Chair Rossen Roussev

Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm

Saturday Panel, Ⅱ 1:00pm-2:45pm

  • Lucas Scripter (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), “Environmentalism and the Sublime”
  • Nicolaas Buitendag (North-West University, South Africa), “Between Nature and Society: The Anthropocene’s Challenge to Environmental Law”
  • Vaiva Daraškevičiūtė (Vilnius University), “(An)Aesthetics of the Anthropocene and the Problem of Landscape”
  • Discussion15min, Chair Fiona Tomkinson

Break 2:45pm-3:00pm

Art Session【ONLINE】3:00pm-3:45pm

Hannes Schumacher (Chaosmos ∞) “Strange Visitors”, Chair Rossen Roussev

Break 3:45pm-4:00pm

Saturday Panel, Ⅲ 4:00pm-5:45pm

  • Beth Harper (The University of Hong Kong) , “Delightful leisure and spiritual freedom: the gardener in comparative perspective”
  • Christian Krägeloh (Auckland University of Technology), “Unitlessness and Pure Experience: Bridging Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology in Mindfulness Studies”
  • 【ONLINE】Narcisa Paredes-Canilao (University of the Philippines Baguio), “Mind-less dancing: The no-mind principle and indigenous epistemology of performance”
  • Discussion15min, Chair Stavroula Tsirogianni

Colloquium Dinner 7:00 p.m.

Location TBA

June 2nd, 2024

Sunday Panel, Ⅰ 9:15am-11:00am

  • Joff BRADLEY (Teikyo University), “Fūdo, technical milieu and the fourth ecology”
  • Keiko Ueda (Tokyo Metropolitan University), “Nature as ‘The Holy’ in Heidegger’s Interpretation of a Hölderlin’s Hymn ‘As if it is a Day of Festival…’ ――An Approach to the Fundamental Eco-logy Based on the Holiness of Nature”
  • Rossen Roussev (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo), “Nature, Culture, and Deconstruction: Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jacques Derrida”
  • Discussion15min , Chair Tomokazu Baba

Break 11:00am-11:15am

Art Session【ONLINE】11:15pm-12:00pm

Eugenia Gianno  (Chaosmos ∞)  “undergrass”


Sunday Panel, II 1:00pm-2:45pm

  • Tomokazu Baba (The University of Nagano), “Kaii Higashiyama and sympathy with landscape”
  • Roman PAȘCA (Akita University), “The Heart-mind as a Field: Cultivation, Spirituality and Nature in Japanese Philosophy”
  • Fiona Tomkinson (Nagoya University), “Ted Hughes and Nature: the Goddess of Complete Being and the Remains of Elmet”
  • Discussion15min, Chair Vaiva Daraškevičiūtė

Break 2:45pm-3:00pm

Closing discussion 3:00pm-3:30pm

Excursion 3:30p.m.~5:00 p.m.

Zenkoji Temple or Nagano Prefectural Art Museum Higasiyama Kaii Gallery

Closing Party 7:00 p.m.

Chair: You, International Colloquium in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture

June 3rd, 2024

Excursion:Togakushi Area 

Taking bus from Nagano Station